During the 2014-15 Sex, Safety & Security study, 1133 people with experience purchasing sexual services took an anonymous and confidential survey. In one section, they were asked about where they currently live and where they most often purchase sexual services. What you are viewing is a network map of the mobility patterns of these respondents, showing the connection between the self-reported city where they live and the city where they most often purchase sexual services in Canada.
- Scroll to zoom in or out. Left click to pan view.
- Click on a city to view the inbound links (where clients purchasing at the selected city are most often coming from), outbound links (where clients from the selected city travel to most often), and undirected links (clients who most often purchase in their home city).
- Type in city name in search bar to locate in network map.
- Colour of city node (circle behind city name) corresponds with purchasing in-degree, which means the number of respondents who travel from one city to buy in another. Lighter shades reflect cities that have few respondents travelling to them to purchase and darker shades indicate cities that have higher frequencies of buyers visiting to purchase.
- Thickness of lines connecting cities represents the proportional number of respondents who travel between the two cities. Thicker lines reflect a higher number of respondents who live in one city and prefer to buy from the connected city.
- Size of city node & lettering corresponds with purchasing degree, which means the number of respondents who live in or prefer to purchase in a given city.
- Arrows on the lines connecting cities indicate the direction of the travel.